List of Questions to ask Mormon Leaders
These aren't my questions, but were prepared by others on . Yet, I thought they are so great, I thought I'd share them here. Now, as many of you know I was an amateur apologist for Mormonism before I discovered Mormonism wasn't true, so I know a good many apologetic responses to many of these questions. However, I think these questions bring up a lot of the significant issues and when one mentally adds up the probability that all of the apologetic excuses one right after the other one begins to see that the most likely explanation is that Mormonism is just not true. Questions by wintersfootsteps Do you consider it lying when someone does not tell you the complete story and purposefully leaves out certain details? Why was I taught an inaccurate version of events from church leaders regarding the first vision and translation of the Book of Mormon? Why was I not taught about Joseph Smith's past regarding treasure seeking...